First Presbyterian is active and involved in many local missions. Involvement includes hands on participation, offering space free of charge as well as financial support.
Meals on Wheels are delivered monthly by members of the congregation to home-bound adults in the area.
Woodstock Area Community Ministries offer a different support programs for the homeless and needy in times of crisis. FPC participates in a variety of these programs and members serve on the Board of Directors.
Christmas Angel Tree-Gifts of love are provided to all the members of 2 families. The Angel Tree is in partnership with the local Food Pantry.
Alternative Gift Fair is always the first Sunday in December. This year it will be held on Dec. 3rd. We open up an Alternative Gift shop inside the Great Hall so people can shop for fair trade items, and support Heifer Project International. This fair is in partnership with the JustGoods shop in Rockford.
Hwy 47 Clean-Up happens seasonally.
Mission Commission Activities are both for fun and fun-raising!
–Annual Silent Auction supports both the Woodstock Food Pantry and Home of the Sparrow.
Mission trips:
PYPS and IGNITE! participate in mission work through various projects. Senior High Youth Group, IGNITE! participates in a Go-And -Serve through Youth Works mission trips every summer.
Special collections are taken for One Great Hour of Sharing at Easter, Peace and Social Witness Offering, Pentecost Offering and the Christmas Joy Offering at Christmas. These are all ministries and missions of the PCUSA.